Back Roads of Memory - The Softening Season
Enjoy Dr. Anne Blythe's new book of poetry. 80 beautiful poems. Back Roads of Memory $20 plus $5 shipping and 6% SC sales tax if applicable. See below for an excerpt of poems. 101 pages.
The inspiration for Back Roads of Memory began in WordSplash, my writing studio in the woods which is situated on a hill between two streams (Moonshine Branch and Sunset Creek) running down to the Middle Saluda River. WordSplash is my sanctuary, my den of silence and inspiration...except when (noisy) almost-forgotten fragments of memory begin to stir and warm….and end up dancing, singing, and beguiling me back down into memory and reflection.
These Back Roads poems surprised me. Discovering them, recalling their own individual moments in Time, and re-working them to be fit for other eyes to read, was a study in poignance and nostalgia…a study, in fact, of all the emotions of life. They made me laugh, and they made me cry; they made me shake my head in wonder. But here now, captured forever between the covers of this book, they bring me joy. For how could I not yearn to remember such moments as dreams (and memories) are made of…….